Clutch your pearls, ladies and gents, I'm happy to announce that silk scarves are back in style!!! Be still my heart. Those who know me know that silk scarves are NEVER out of fashion in my house, but sometimes it's a little difficult to update my (extensive, you say?) collection. Well, this past Friday whilst perusing my weekly open-air market, I spied several tables laden with silk, or silk-styled, scarves. It took me by surprise because I don't recall seeing them for the past couple of years, then all of a sudden they're everywhere!
No, I didn't buy any...this time.
But I am reminded of a funny story from my working days before I moved to Italy and became a bon-bon nibbling, chaise-longue lounging, espresso-sipping Italian matron (not really, folks!!!). A former co-worker gave me a large pile of faux silk scarves and said she bought them when scarves were in style and that I could have them now. Ouch!!! However, they all looked like they were from, oh, around the 80's and not a one of them adorned my neck. Not even once. Seriously, who among us wants to wear a clunky hunk of polyester under their beautiful face?